Friday, November 16, 2012

Here's an interactive link for a quick summary of what Hydraulic Fracturing is and how it can negatively affect the environment. (also known as fracking) Hydraulic fracturing is a process that involves pumping a high volume of water and several hundred types of chemicals into a  mixture,
that is used to fracture rock in order to release natural gas. This natural gas is then captured and eventually moved on for distribution. The problem is that this is not always the end, the same chemicals and water pumped into the Earth have to go some where, and end up contaminating surrounding land and water that people and animals alike depend on .
Trying to get in contact ...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Renewable energy is important to establish a sense of security for American citizens.
It will also force the prices of gas and oil to drop, if it actually becomes a viable source of energy.  The dependency that Americans currently have on the oil and gas reserves in the middle east has already resulted in public relations suffering.  The ongoing conflict in the middle east has resulted in death on a regular basis, as well as other problems that can be easily avoided if America were to have less involvement in volatile countries.

If we were to spend more money on sources of energy that is renewable and leaves a minor carbon footprint, it may lead to health and monetary benefits for the average person. An increase in the use of various sources of energy will lower the need/dependency for one source, and eventually the price of using that energy as well. We plan to Lobby for an increase in the use of solar paneling, wind turbines etc. in Pennsylvania.

Dear Alyson Schwartz:

Pennsylvania should increase its interest in green energy for environmental sustainability and energy independence.
Taken from: here

A map of the locations across Pennsylvania, where hydraulic fracturing violations have occurred.

Taken from : here

Don't forget to check out the website for gasland the movie:



Sign our petition. Help PA become energy independency.